Sunday, March 10, 2013

Dear Parents... #cesuvt #resvt

Dear Parents,

Richmond Elementary prides itself on providing the highest level of instruction possible to students within our learning community. Chittenden East Supervisory Union, along with schools across the country, is in the process of transitioning to the Common Core of Standards. The Common Core represents a significant and exciting shift in our instructional practices. Resources regarding the Common Core and work the CESU staff are doing with it can be found on the Chittenden East Supervisory Union website (

As a staff, we have reviewed the transition process and the scope of instructional change that it represents. After careful analysis and discussion, Richmond faculty and staff have come to consensus that moving to a straight-grade structure in grades 3 and 4 allows teachers to focus on deep understanding and effective implementation of the Common Core mathematics and literacy standards.  Any change made would not impact students currently in the looping 3-4.

Administration and faculty want to hear from parents and families regarding a shift in our third and fourth grade classroom configurations to a straight-grade model. The basis for considering this change in format is to provide the best outcomes for our scholars.

If you have thoughts, ideas, or questions please join us on
 Tuesday, March 12th from 5:45 to 6:15 PM in the RES Library.. If you cannot attend but would like to comment, please email

Michael Berry, Principal

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