Sunday, April 28, 2013

Lost and Found #resvt

image from

The Lost and Found bin gets cleaned out and put under the school
breezeway monthly on the 1st Friday of the month. You are welcome any
time to come into school and look through the bins for lost clothing
or under the breezeway for you to claim your child's belongings.
If clothing is labeled all efforts are made to return it to the child.
If it is not labeled and not claimed, clothes are donated to the
school's stockpile for kids who may need an extra clothing item. Then
all items left after that are donated to the Salvation Army.
So please label your child's clothing and come by and scope out the
bins before the 1st Friday of each month.
Upcoming dates for the Lost and Found table are this Friday, May 3rd and the last one is June 7th.
If you have any questions please contact, Cathy Aikman at 434-7775.

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