Friday, August 30, 2013

US Map at RES #resvt #cesuvt #vted

RES would like to thank the efforts over the summer of Jen Arnott, who along with Johanna Arnott, David Roberts, Julia Preston, Katherine Huntley, Cindy Preston, Ed Roberts and Wendy Huntley, finished painting the US map on our playground hardtop in several primary colors. 

When you're visiting our playground, stop by to see our map and help your kids practice their geography skills. Show them where VT is, point out our surrounding states, and other states they may have lived. Make a game out of how far they can hop from one state to another, naming the state they begin and end on. Name the oceans on each end. Name the country we live in and those neighbors to our north and south. Explain north, east, south, west (Remember "never eat shredded wheat?). Make up your own games. You and your kids will have fun!

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