Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Message from the Principal #resvt #cesuvt #vted

Dear scholars, parents and community members,

Our school year is off to an excellent start and all of the educators at Richmond Elementary School are excited to be working in partnership with you and your family  I wanted to take a moment to introduce myself and share some of my goals for this school year.  Each year, every educator in Chittenden East Supervisory Union creates a set of professional goals all working toward improving learning for scholars.  After much reflection, discussion with fellow educators, superintendents, parents, scholars and school board members I created the following as my professional goals for the 2013-14 school year:

Michael Berry Professional Learning Goals 2013-2014

Goal 1: I will increase my capacity to actively close the achievement gap.

To reach this goal I will:
  • Conduct an action research study seeking to understand existing and necessary academic, environmental and social resources associated with scholars within the achievement gap
  • Participate in shared discussions with the CESU administrative team specific to the data collected within the study.  
  • Partner with CHMS administration to create a proposal for improvement by the end of the 2013-14 school year

Goal 2: I will work toward improving the achievement and learning of all members of the community.

To reach this goal I will:
  • Provide meaningful and relevant data and feedback to educators, families and school board.
  • Utilize existing supervision and evaluation systems to provide thoughtful guidance to staff
  • Improve communication systems to allow for more direct contact and involvement in curricular, instructional and programming decisions
  • Participate in and the support the implementation of embedded professional development within grade level and content teams
  • Maintain and improve lines of communication with community,families and staff
  • Incorporate Common Core State Standards professional development into school-wide professional development systems of learning

Goal 3: I will implement a shared leadership model and increase the internal leadership capacity of our school community.

To reach this goal I will:

  • Create structures of shared leadership that provide opportunities for educators to increase shared responsibilities within the school community
  • Support professional development in the area of leadership for various teams and individuals in the school community
  • Encourage shared accountability for outcomes within the school community
  • Solidify a common mission, vision, set of values and goals for the educators and families within the learning community.

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