Monday, January 20, 2014

RES Box Tops Challenge #resvt #cesuvt #vted

What: Box Tops for Education
Why: Raise money to support opportunities for students at RES!
When: Jan 21 through March 4, 2014
How: Send in Box Tops with your child to RES, or drop off at the Richmond Market or Richmond Library
Goal: At the end of the challenge students will celebrate with a sledding and hot chocolate party!

Did you know box tops are each worth 10 cents for RES? You can find them on Ziploc bags, cereal boxes, diapers, granola bars and so many more items! And with each box top we collect we are closer to our goal of providing money for field trip and extracurricular student scholarships and providing enriching activities for students in their classroom.

We are making this a RES School-wide Challenge! Last year RES raised over $600! If we meet our goal, the whole school will have a sledding and hot chocolate celebration. Ask your kids about the robot - box top collector and the big sparkly goal thermometer! Created by Mr. Berry and parents, our goal tracker is located in the library and will help us keep track of our great fundraising efforts!

Please ask family, friends and co-workers for box tops and let them know their help is needed. 
Look for the baggies the scholars will be bringing home. Clip Box Tops and send them into school or look for drop boxes at the Richmond Library, and the Richmond Market. Kids are the best detectives and they can spot those Box Tops in your cupboards. Make them work!

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