Monday, March 31, 2014

States of Matter - Kindergarten Art and Science #cesuvt #resvt #vted

States of Matter- Kindergarten Art and Science
Kidnergarteners are looking at states of matter in art class. Understanding liquids, solids, and gases (particularly evaporation) will help us understand our art materials better, and why they act the way they do. 

When K's come this week, they will arrive to the chance to discuss what they already know about states of matter. Some classes have been discussing this in their homerooms, particularly around snow and how it melts indoors.

These are paintsicles!  Frozen, solid watercolor paints with popsicle sticks.  We also looked at liquid watercolors, and a cup of watercolor from last week, out of which evaporated all the water, leaving behind paint solids (just like they will see on finished artwork- it doesn't stay wet forever!).

Students chose two colors, and could trade them with each other during the class.  They explored the thin lines of the hard, only-just-defrosting cubes, versus the wide expressive lines of ones melting quickly.

This student told me "Liquids can splatter!  Solids can make a mess, but they can't splatter."

This artist noticed that "the colors are mixing to make brown, now that they are melting."

Aren't they beautiful?  We met at the board after to record their observations, because artists, like scientists, take notes about what we see happen, and why we think it happened. That way, techniques are reproducible.

Here are the observations from Ms. Agner's class:

"The colors mixed really fast."
"Our solids melted because the room is hot."
"It melted so slow, because the room is not that hot."
"Some melted fast."
"The solids turned into liquids."
"When the paint dries, it will evaporate the liquid and turn them into gas. But we will still see the colors."
"The gas from the drying paints is in the air, but we can't see it."
"The solids leave colors when they melt."
"It was messy when it melted."

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