The type of packaging that we collect does change
periodically. Please take a minute to
review the list below for updated information.
Please continue to collect at home and encourage your kids
to recycle in school. We have a drop off bin located in the Richmond Town
Office building. Encourage friends, neighbors and co-workers to
participate as well. This is truly a great program.
For those of you not familiar
with the program, TerraCycle is a company based in Trenton NJ. They repurpose or recycle packaging that is not
typically recycled in most areas such as granola bar wrappers, toothpaste
tubes, foil juice pouches etc. At RES students recycle in their
classrooms at snack time and in the cafeteria. We sort and then ship this
collected trash to TerraCycle. Their goal is to eventually “eliminate the
idea of waste” by recycling or repurposing rather than incinerating or use of
landfills. TerraCycle pays 1-2 cents for most items (by utilizing
corporate sponsors). Check them out at
Items Currently Collected (updated April 2014)
Juice pouches/straws (Capri Sun type)
Granola bar/energy bar
Yogurt containers/lids
Dairy tub
containers/lids (please rinse)
Cereal bags and cereal
bag liners
Cheese bags (including
individual string cheese)/ foil and plastic cheese packaging
Pumps, caps, triggers,
pouches from cleaning products
Toothpaste tubes/lids,
toothbrushes, floss packaging, mouthwash bottles/lids
Deodorant packaging
(no cans)
Lotion containers/lids
(all types including tubes and jars)
tubes/containers with lids
Makeup containers
(lipstick, mascara, eye shadow, eyeliner pencils, etc.)
Chap stick type tubes
Hand soap dispensers
and pumps
Shaving foam tubes (no
Plastic tape
dispensers and cores
Ink jet cartridges
Pens, mechanical
pencils, markers (all types)
Elmer’s glue sticks and bottles (Elmer’s
brand only)
contact Karen Cotrone with
any questions.
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